3 results found in عقارات تجارية ومكاتب, Northern Ireland
تسويق عقارى باكبر موقع اعلانات عقارات بالوطن العربى عقارات تجارية مكاتب عيادات محلات مولات بيع او ايجار بافضل العروض والاماكن من افضل الشركات والمطورين العقارين
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Thursday 07:58
1 week
Public Relations For Waitress Or Vendors
Public Relations For Waitress Or Vendors
مصفح, العراق
Interview the company as would likely be a new employee. It's not about the fancy Powerpoint presentation, the eloquently written proposal or even budget -- it's about knowing and liking the PR agency you'll work equipped with. If you dislike working with no key account people (or person) for the account, you'll be dissatisfied actually run, in spite of how ...
4 weeks